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Jackie Pickles

Week #105 Spring in the French Alps skiing with old friends

couple selfie in the snow

Apologies for the late blog this week! We have had a great week in the French Alps, catching up with some friends who were tempted by a couple of weeks in the snow. We have loved having company on this trip. It makes a nice change to ski with friends and have long lazy meals in the evening chatting and reminiscing. So much laughter and fun!


We have had all the weathers from heavy snow to blue sky days and freezing cold biting wind and we have loved (nearly) every minute. We were reminded yesterday to have respect for the mountains and the powers of nature as we stepped off a lift to fearsome winds. At one point we were almost being blown back up the mountain and it was a truly frightening experience when the wind caught us and blew us across the piste. We beat a hasty retreat to the lower sectors then headed home.


Awesome cloud inversion

We had a real treat earlier in the week when we literally spent a day above the clouds. We set off from Bourg st Maurice in gloomy damp conditions but emerged from the ski lift to a blue sky day. The inversion hung at about 2000m all day which made for some great photography opportunities. Mont Blanc was magnificent looming above the clouds, as though it was floating! Skiing back down to Arc 1600 at the end of the day proved interesting with zero visibility!


Spring is in the air

We have noticed a huge difference skiing in March after spending a month in the Alps in January. The days are much longer and warmer, we have even been able to sit outside the van in the afternoons. The evenings in the van are much warmer and we have not really needed to use the heater much on this trip.


Our walk to the funicular (about a mile each way) feels positively spring like. The daffodils and crocuses are out, the willow trees are in bud and the grass is greener. We have noticed the bird song as we walk back in the evenings and there are so many more local people out walking with their families.


Looking after the van battery

When we know we are staying in one place for more than a few days and we are not going to be moving the van, we endeavour to remember to turn the engine over every couple of  days. This was after we were stranded in Croatia a few years ago when we parked up for 7 nights at a campsite. When we were all set to make an early start at 7am to drive over 400 miles – the engine wouldn’t start and we had to call out VW assist! Turns out we had drained the battery from opening and closing the doors and leaving the sliding door open which leaves the security light on for a couple of minutes each time.

We had a timely reminder that we had forgotten to do this after one of our fellow campers went to leave and couldn’t start their engine. The campsite staff were great and helped jump start the van, so no real drama’s.


VW camper at sunset

Experimental meals with the Ridge Monkey

After recommendations from so many people, we bought ourselves a Ridge Monkey pan from the Motorhome Show at the NEC. We researched lots of recipe ideas and have had fun experimenting this week. We started with something easy and made Spanish tortilla which was just lovely!

Feeling more adventurous we have also had a go at making calzone pizzas. We used ready rolled pizza dough and stuffed it full with salami, cheese, peppers and a fresh tomato sauce. They took about 12 minutes each to cook and were not very big, but they were tasty and felt like a bit of a treat. The crimped edges didn’t cook through properly, but apart from that a great success.

I am going to have a go at making French toast next.

The Dales Way challenge

Richard is busy studying the route maps and getting himself prepared for doing the Dales Way – An 80 mile hike that winds its way from Ilkley up to Bowness-on-Windemere. I have yet to decide if I am up for it! Physically I would be fine, mentally, the thought of hiking for 7 days, carrying all our equipment and food for the week seems a challenge too far! Either way, we want to have everything ready to go as soon as we get a good weather window. One of the advantages of being early retired is we can be really flexible with our plans.


Map of the Dales Way

As we near the end of our winter season camping in the French Alps, we are getting excited planning our spring and summer trips in the van. The clocks will change as we get home and we are looking forward to the lighter nights in the Dales.

For now, we have a few more days skiing and having fun in the mountains.


Have a great week


Jackie and Richard





311 views4 comments


Juliet C
Juliet C
Mar 27

Have you tried the municipal campsite at Baume Les Messieurs in the Jura ? Small, friendly with very clean loos and showers in a gorge next to a stream and a medieval village. It would be on your way back from the French Alps if you take the route from Lake Geneva/Lac Leman north through the mountains to Dijon. It’s not open until April I believe. There are caves and lots of interesting walks nearby. Being fairly local to us we have been there 10+ times and still have new things we want to do.

Richard Pickles
Mar 28
Replying to

No we haven't but I have just had a look - the area looks stunning. We are hoping to travel through France to Chamonix and then across to Italy and Slovenia in the summer so may try and work a stop over in there. Thanks for the recommendation. We have stayed in the Jura a couple of years ago and loved it.


keely parker
keely parker
Mar 13

Sounds wonderful. And you didn’t have to ski in the the school holiday crowds. I can’t wait until having to stick to school holiday times is a distant memory. As we re getting closer to exam time , pressure is mounting and Sunday night blues are rising. Loving following your journey but a tad jealous that we re just not there YET. Enjoy spring in the dales. Look forward to the next update.

Richard Pickles
Mar 24
Replying to

Thank you. It does still feel quite strange not being restricted to school holidays - the weirdest thing being the lack of children on the slopes! Of all the terms in a primary school, this was always my favourite because the nights are getting lighter, there is not as many distractions like Christmas and hot weather and I always felt we got the most out of the children. We are now home and there are lambs EVERYWHERE which is just adorable.

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